Sunday, September 14, 2014

First Day of pre-school/pre-k 2014

We drove back from the lake on Labor Day, celebrated Grandpa's birthday with dinner and came home to get ready for the first day at our new school! 
The day we left for the lake we dropped off all of their school supplies, so they got to peek at their classroom.  It was crazy - lots of kids/parents with bags of supplies in tiny spaces.  And the week before that - the school had popsicles and playground time.  The kids had specific times for their classes so they could meet their teacher and see new friends.  Both of the kids were clingy at the playground but were super excited to be in their classrooms when we dropped off supplies.  In fact, I had to drag Laney  out of her classroom…literally.  Her class has a dramatic play corner with kitchen and babies so she was in heaven.
The link to their first day of school last year is here.
 I started a new tradition…new night before 1st day of school pjs!  They were so excited to open them!
It's like they all of a sudden grew up!
 Think she was excited?  This is my new fave pic of her!  Laney will go T/Th mornings.
She was up and ready to rock and roll.
Ha!  This is kind of how I felt!  He didn't exactly jump out of bed ready to go :).
There's that smile…doesn't he look tired?  This boy will be at pre-k M-Th mornings.  
 Hooray for same backpacks as last year - I love them!  On the way to school, Cooper said he was nervous.  I told him the good news was that everyone was nervous!  He said the teachers aren't nervous.  Ha, ha I told him!  I was once a teacher and us teachers are always nervous for the first day!!!  After this little convo on our short ride to school, he was all good.
 Dad was in town so he joined us for drop off.
 How cute is the 2014!?  Somehow Laney lost her bow between pictures on the front porch and getting to the car.  We grabbed this one running out the door and her hair was a mess before she walked in the door!
 We dropped Laney off first.  
Coop took our picture :).  She was very shy in the room with her teachers but no tears when we left!
 He was very anxious to get to his room!
 For the record, I had my first mom fail.  I didn't know they were supposed to bring snack, oops!  The teachers had extras and I haven't forgotten since :).
He was so excited to play with these rescue heroes that he saw at his classroom preview.  He was all good - we knew he would be!  He's a preschool veteran!!!

I wasn't sure how I would feel dropping them off.  I have had the 3 kids home with me everyday since mid February!  For the most part, everywhere I go - they are with me!  And the house is only quiet at nap time…on a good day :).  Proud to say that there were no tears!
We were really sad to have 3 hours to ourselves ;).

We are only 2 weeks in but both kids are really loving it!  Will update with a post soon!

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