Wednesday, September 3, 2014

8 months!

Well, technically 8 1/2 months :(.  I thought I took these pics on her actual 8 month birthday but definitely didn't so we did them tonight.  Oops.  So - she has changed a lot in the last few weeks but I am going to write this post as if she was 8 months tonight :).

Piper is such a happy baby and is getting more interactive everyday!  She brightens our days.
-She is going to bed around 8-9ish and up around 7.  Still taking morning and afternoon nap and usually an evening snooze around 5.
-I am still nursing her full time and really can't believe it.  I was so over nursing the other two by 6 months-but it just seems so much easier this time around.  Who has time to make and wash bottles!??  She does take bottles and formula with no problem.  I nurse her 5 times a day and she eats breakfast and usually lunch or dinner.  Getting better with table food, but really loving the squeeze food pouches.  No longer wants any of the food I made :(.
-We have got a CRAWLER!  Just a few days before turning 8 months she started crawling!!!  She sits up really well now too.
-She still just has the 2 teeth on the bottom but her 2 fang teeth are trying to break thru.

 The hair continues to grow like crazy!  It's really thick up front and really thin in the back.
 She stole her 8 block and can't believe how old she is!
The headband is officially too small.  Love leg rolls here!!!!

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