Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Another double birthday party for our August babies!

Man, I just looked back at last year's birthday party here.  My kids were so little!  And I loved Cooper's long hair!  But the thing I was most sad about was all the great pictures I took…I totally failed at this year's party.  I should have put someone in charge of that :(.  I didn't even get a picture of the 2 kids together!  Or of Adam and I with them!  Total Bummer!
Cooper wanted a very boy themed party but Laney is too old to get by with that.  They both love to color so I casually mentioned having a coloring party…just waiting for a backlash from the Superhero kid.  Much to my surprise, he was all for it!  It was supposed to be a coloring party yet 5 minutes after the party started I was printing out some coloring pages to throw on the tables :).
It's 2014 so of course there is an app for me to create our invites and text them out :).  I did print a couple copies of it for keepsakes.  If you don't already have the Red Stamp app - I highly recommend it (free)!  Phew-it was a lot of work to get all the errands ran, house cleaned up and food cooked but we did it and it was 100% worth it!  It couldn't have happened without my mom and sister, who cooked and helped days leading up to and the day of the party.
 Laney and her friend Gia.  The kids had Chick-Fil-A nuggets, fruit, applesauce and mac'n'cheese.  All of my kids' favorite foods!  Cooper suggested meatballs for the adults, so that's what we did!
 Anna and Ashley - if there was a coloring contest, I am pretty sure they would have won!
 It was a full house-about 40 total people!  And it was about 100 degrees out so everyone was inside.  No cooperation from Mother Nature that day.  
 I was making rainbow cupcakes for Laney but her Aunt Alli thought she was being deprived so she made her a cake.

 Sweet Landree
 Party decor was simple, as always.
A birthday party isn't a party to Coop unless there is a piñata.  
Caannnnddddyyyyyyy!  I threw away so much candy the next day and my kids never once asked where there bag was!
 I thought I could get away with just one piñata but she was with me on the Party City trip and she wasn't leaving without that piñata.  

 Testing out her new Frozen karaoke machine from Bryson and Tara.
 I would have guessed her to be much more shy during her birthday song.

 He was hamming it up.

 Forced cheesy smile #1
 Forced cheesy smile #2.  Since his first birthday I have gotten him a cookie cake for a selfish reason…it's my favorite.  I probably ate 1/4 of that cake, yum, yum, yum.
 She was giddy about her gifts!
 Hi Charlie!
 He got some awesome gifts and definitely took his time opening them.
 It was chaos as you can imagine with 2 kids opening birthday presents.  Apparently Piper wanted to make her presence known.  She was literally squealing!
 He is so my kid…middle of his party and he has Adam reading him books.
I got the Happy Birthday banner here.  She was great, it came shipped super fast!  Then the day of the party my sister shows up with the Cooper & Laney banner.  It matched perfectly-she is so talented!!!

Thanks to all of you that came and made this party memorable!  We had so much fun!

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