Saturday, September 20, 2014

My niece is 1 and my sister is talented

The day after Coop's surgery was my niece Henley's 1st birthday. These babies grow up way too fast:(.  Her and her birthday party were so cute - my sister is so talented!  I would be annoyed with this talent if I didn't get to take advantage of it from time to time ;).  Let's all join together and urge my sister to start some sort of business with this creativity!!  After being so disappointed with my pictures from my kids' birthday party - I told her I would take pics so she didn't have to worry about it.
PS - As she was taking down her decor I said, just slap some snowflakes on that stuff and bring to my house in December for Pippi's 1st birthday, kidding…kind of.
 It was a garden fairy theme.  Rusty did his part by building this cute little cupcake stand out of tree limbs my parents had cut down at their house the day before.

 This will definitely be at Pippi's party, hopefully with her pictures on it ;).
 Her smash cake that my sister made…with real flowers…what!
 My mom transformed an old wheelbarrow into a fairy garden, complete with a birthday girl.  Adorable.

 She also handmade her birthday hat with real flowers!
 The happy fam!

 Laney was a big 'help' opening gifts, Henley wasn't so sure about that.

Mama Kelly with most of her girls. 
It was the perfect day for a bounce house with kept the kids out of the real house, win for everyone!  I was nervous as Cooper was jumping all over that thing…was afraid we would pay for it with pain later, but not at all.  He was officially healed!

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