Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Wishes

 Cooper loves a good Christmas catalog about as much as his mom.  He loves to flip through one while eating breakfast and tell me all about each page. 
One night after dinner we decided to make his list.  The skateboard and motorcycle haven't strayed from the top.  Cooper loves the cartoon, Jake and the Neverland Pirates.  Apparently Jake rides a skateboard.  Nice.  Can you imagine this 3 year old on a skateboard? Yikes.  Not sure about that one.  Adult cup and pen???  Yeah, pretty sure he was just listing things he saw at the table, that's when we stopped.  As for Doodles?  Well, we think she would like some more play food and some type of play animals.  She just adores any animal we see or read about in books.

1 comment:

  1. I love the adult cup and pen. When Tyler is praying he often looks around and lists things in his room he is thankful for too. Good luck with the skateboard and motorcycle. :)
