Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cartoon Buddies?

I really do my best to keep the TV off all day, but come dinner time, it's my go to.  Adam is rarely home before 6ish, so the cartoons are a must.  The minute I mention that we can watch toons, Coop is giving me his choice for the day.  Laney sits in her chair and claps her hands, so excited! 

About 5 minutes later, this is what happens...
 She is done and starts harassing her brother.  
 She crawls all over him,
 tries to share his seat,
and his eyes never come off the screen.

She also knows how to turn the power off on the cable box and thinks its hilarious.  When she's not harassing her brother, she is destroying my kitchen.  No joke, it looks like a tornado went thru the kitchen.  Phew, 15 months is a wild age!

1 comment:

  1. Adam used to harrass me after school during the commercial breaks. I would try to run before the commercials officially hit, but I was often not successful. Beware Laney! Get in all of the harrassing you can while your brother is still sweet :)
