Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Thumb Sucker

Yep, Cooper is still sucking his thumb.  Unfortunately that magic thumb fairy hasn't appeared to snatch that thing away while he is sleeping.  Honestly, I really don't care.  He still seems like a baby to me. (Check back with me in a year, see if I have the same feelings:)).  It is just about the sweetest thing to see when I check on him each night.  I love that whenever he needs comfort, it is right there.  Adam was a thumb sucker for all of his toddler years.  I am sure Coop won't go to college doing it, I am also sure he probably will go to Kindergarten sucking that thumb.  And I am also sure that 99.9% of kids get braces these days, I can guarantee we will be a part of that percentage.  

However, our sweet dentist has a different opinion after seeing a bit of an overbite from his x-rays.  Coop had his check-up last week, he did awesome!  He was so brave, listened to all the staff and even did x-rays like a champ!  He did tell me while we were there, "Mom, I really like going to school but I really don't like it here."  The dentist (who is awesome and has 5 kids of his own) had an eye to eye convo with Coop about what a great day it was to stop sucking his thumb.  He even printed him out a colorful award for it.  Cooper totally cooperated, agreed with him, and was sucking his thumb by the time we made it out of the parking lot. 

Seriously, how sweet is this?

1 comment:

  1. This is hysterical. This reminds me of the "talks" we have with Kellen about not peeing in the bed. :)
    Oh, in due time. But, let's not make them grow up, right?
    Love it!
