Wednesday, September 5, 2012

12 months!

Laney's last monthly check-in, how did that happen?  Seriously people, she was just my 9lb, 4oz (not so little) baby and now she's our 20lb mini-godzilla!  It really isn't fair how fast it goes!  That being said, this baby girl is developing quite the personality and makes us laugh all.the.time!  

-1 year old stats...20lbs, 14oz~46%ile, 30 1/2 inches long~88%ile, 93%ile in head circumference.
-She loves to rough house, will not be pushed around, thinks her brother and dog are quite funny!
-Ma-ma has turned into momm-eeee or meeemaw.  Still saying da-da and Lola (wo-wa).  Nothing else we can figure out yet.
-No attempts to walk yet.  Just recently standing on her own a few times a day for just seconds at a time and loves to walk behind her walker.
-No more bottles!  Transitioned with no problems and loves her milk in a sippy cup.
-Goes to bed by 8 and up around 7:30-8.  Back down for nap around 1ish for 1-3 hours.
-Is a great eater!  Will eat just about anything you put on her plate but really loves strawberries, brocolli, peas, black beans and cheese.  Doesn't seem to be digging yogurt, avocados and anything dessert related....what???  Who are you child?
-Holy climber!  Climbs on anything in sight, makes me nervous.
-loves to play trucks, push her stoller, play with pretend food, and anything else her brother has :).

 oh my gosh, this is such a Cooper expression!
 Good thing this is the last month, this bow is waaaay to small!


  1. She just is so adorable and has such a sweet personality!

    PS - have you not been officially 'following' my blog? Just click the "Join This Site" button above my follower list! :) Thanks!

  2. Oh my goodness Laney! We still can't believe you are 1! Such a big girl! We love you
