Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Vacation Bible School

Thanks to my friend Jenny for keeping us in the loop on VBS back in the Spring.  She let me know of  a couple opportunities for the kids that I totally would have missed out on!

The first VBS was at Grace Lutheran Church, just down the street from us.  Cooper was the only kid old enough to go, so he went M-W the first week of June.  It was 9-11:30 (I think, can't remember!).  Jenny's daughter Anna was in class,  I think that is the only reason he was okay when I dropped him off the first day :).   Each day he said he had fun, he came home happy and was happy to go each of the 3 days.  Other than that, I didn't get much out of him…typical boy?  Jenny's daughter spilled all the beans each day so she filled me in :).  I mean, Cooper didn't even know his teachers names by the end!!!!  HELLO!!! 

The final day they invited everyone back that evening for the kids to perform a few songs from the week and to have ice cream.  Cooper was totally downplaying it at home, saying it was going to be boring and he didn't need to go.  I had a feeling this was his nerves and in reality, he was scared and didn't want to do it.  Truth.
 He was fine when we took him to class.  We told him he had to go.  Well, when he walked in with his class, he was crying in line.  Adam and I didn't let him see us and hoped his teachers would make him go up.  We want him to do hard things and be in uncomfortable positions - those things make you stronger!  Well, sure enough minutes later his teacher was holding his hand and looking for us, ugh.  So here he is next to us.  
This was one of those tough parenting moments.  Adam and I just kind of stared at one another, waiting for someone to have an answer… Do we force him up there?  Do we punish him for not participating?  Do we leave and go home?  Do we make him stay and watch his friends?  Ugh - so many questions to process during the 2 song performance!!!  In the end, we sat and watched his friends.  

The next question was…do we let him have ice cream?  In the end (as you can see) we did.  The ice cream was to celebrate the week and he did have a good week - just a rough night.  

After lots of talking - he finally spilled the beans at bedtime that he was scared to go up on stage.  (just another way this kid is totally my child)  So we talked about doing hard things and all that jazz and who knows what he took in, but the conversation was started and I am sure it will be had many more times.

A few weeks later we had VBS at Stanley Presbyterian.  My friend Jenny was helping run it and asked if I would be interested in volunteering…duh!  I miss teaching, this was the perfect opportunity to work with some sweet kids!  I taught crafts with the pre k/k kiddos and it was so, so, so much fun!  Since I was volunteering, all 3 kids could go.  Cooper would be in the pre-k group, Laney in teacher tots and Piper in the nursery.  VBS was M-F from 9-12.  Yes, we successfully got up, ready and out the door by 8:30ish each morning!!!!    My kids had some incredible naps this week :).
 Each day they started and ended in the sanctuary with fun stories and songs.
 Laney and Ashley playing in teacher tots.  All 3 of my kids were in class with one of Jenny's kids!  Laney loved playing babies here - no surprise.
 Cooper's group for the week.  Yep, the boy is always surrounded by girls!!  He was supposed to have a boy in his group, but the boy didn't show up.   Honestly, he didn't complain or even say a thing about being the only boy!  I think he is used to it :).  This group was so sweet and so quiet - I know because they all rotated thru my craft station each day.
Laney's class always sat on the floor right up front during the stories and songs.  She loved this part and was totally dancing.  She wasn't always ready for me to drop her off in the morning but I got to check on her lots and she was always having fun!

No pics of Pippi but she did great!  Luckily I was able to sneak away from my class and nurse her when I needed.  The teachers said what a good and sweet baby she was.  One lady said if her babies were that sweet, she would have 10.  I told Adam this and he didn't seem as excited :).

Overall a great week and Cooper did learn a lot.  It was easier to pry information out of him when I was there and could see what he was doing each day :).  However, he still didn't know the names of his 2 teacher guides by Friday!!!!  

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