Thursday, May 31, 2012

9 Months!

9 months=a very busy baby girl!  Laney is becoming such a big girl and developing her own personality.  She is tough, a tad sassy, and full of love-even though she doesn't like to show it all the time (no kisses from this girl, she just pushes you away).
Here's the latest:
-19lbs, 3oz
-She is sleeping great.  Usually up at 6:55, give or take a few minutes ;).  She's back down for a morning nap around 9 and takes an afternoon nap as well.  Bedtime is 8, but she often doesn't make it that late.  
-I cut out a bottle (the one with dinner), so she is at 4 bottles, 6 oz each.  I am making her food and she basically will eat anything I give her!  Just introduced avocados and she loves them like her brother.  The only food issue has been cantaloupe-gave her a bad, bad diaper rash.
-Doodles is everywhere and into everything!  Her favorite toy seems to be whatever her brother is playing with :).
-She is a master crawler and is so close to pulling up, definitely trying. 
-Still just the 2 bottom teeth, but the top 2 look like they could be coming in anyday!  
 so happy!

 Can you see the tan lines in her thigh rolls?  Love it!

oh my gosh, i adore those two bottom teeth!!!


  1. That last picture looks JUST like Cooper! Hope CDing is going well for you!

  2. She is getting so big! What a fun age!
