Friday, May 4, 2012

Sleepover with the Fimmens

The Fimmen kids came over for a sleepover last weekend and we had lots of fun, like always!  These kids get along great and definitely keep us on our toes.  It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon so we spent it all outside and I even managed to get some pictures of the action.
 They had lots of fun taking turns being the captain of the pirate ship, aka water table :).
Oh Laney, soon enough you will be able to join the big kids :).  I dropped the camera as soon as this was snapped because look at the water table in the background!  I caught it before it tipped all the way over and we moved it to a more flat ground.
 Looks like I need to pull back out the swim trunks from last season, apparently skinny isn't ready for 3t yet.  And yes, that is a binder clip holding his pants up because when you are watching 5 kids the age of 4 and under, you don't have time to dig through buckets to find 2t swim trunks :).
 They thought this was just about the best thing ever, next to the chocolate cake they had for dessert.

The finished masterpiece!

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE those ideas: 1) the HUGE paper to paint... you need to show me what paint you're using {GREAT last picture by the way} and 2) the things that make me smile. i love that! and i have to say today mine would include the HUGE paperclip on cooper's swim shorts = hysterical!!!
