Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Last day of preschool

See the first day here-can't believe we have one year of preschool on the books!  That means one year closer to Kindergarten :(.  It seems like just yesterday we were dropping him off for the first day and Doodles was a tiny 2 week old.  And yes, I had tears leaving his classroom...contrary to popular belief the tears weren't due to the fact that my Tuesday/Thursdays are not just mine anymore.  I was sad to leave his teachers and friends and he is just growing up too fast and I am baaaad at goodbyes.
It has been an incredible year-we couldn't have asked for a better pair of teachers.  Being a teacher myself-I absolutely value and appreciate them and they are in Coop and I's prayers every night.  Coop woke up every morning ready to go (well, after I coerced my late sleeper out of bed at 8am) and so happy to see his teachers and friends each Tuesday and Thursday.  Of course, he goes mute when Adam and I ask about his day and what he does.  Thanks to Southlake Christian Preschool for taking such good care of Cooper and providing such a fun, loving and educational environment the last 9 months, we look forward to next year!  In fact, I loved it so much that I have applied to sub there next year!  When/if I do, Laney will go in the 1 year old class.

 2 minutes before we leave I think, "oh, i really need pics to compare the first and last day of school!  Cooper-get outside fast!"  He was confused, not ready and the pics demonstrate this.
 Ms. Celina and Ms. Jenn-wonderful blessings in our lives this year!
 Coop was in the Ladybugs class this year, his teachers sent them all home with a ladybug cookie.
 So, this gem is priceless!  The teachers put scrapbooks together for each kid with their artwork and pics throughout the school year.  We have looked at this dozens of times already...there may have been tears.
 Doesn't everyone wish over the course of 9 months that you grew 3 inches and gained less than a pound?
 Coop's favorite page in the book
 One of my favorite pages...
and another.

In Cooper's words, "it's time for summer days."


  1. Oh, WOW! What a great present and what great teachers!
    That scrapbook looks like a lot of work, but I know you'll treasure it for years :) Happy SUmmer!

  2. Love this Ash! Time sure is flying! Feels like just yesterday when I met Coop for the first time!
