Saturday, May 5, 2012

8 Months!

Someone asked me how old Laney was a couple weeks ago, I said, "8 months."  Her reply, "So, she's almost 1!"  What I thought and wanted to say, but didn't...absolutely not!  Not possible because she was just a helpless newborn starting to smile and move about.  But, I guess that lady was right, my sweet Laney Faith is getting closer and closer to 1 everyday.  

Here's her latest and greatest:
-Not sure on weight, we have miraculously not been to doctor for her in the last month!  She did have a double ear infection, but we have an 'in' in the ear department ;). 
-Still sleeping great!  She is usually out by 8pm and up in the 7 o'clock hour.  Takes a morning nap (when we are home) and afternoon nap.  It takes her awhile to put herself to sleep, she does a lot of talking and moving all over her crib.
-Up to 3 meals a day!  Oatmeal and bananas for breakfast, veggie for lunch, and usually a meat/veggie for dinner.  Just recently introduced avocado and she loves it as much as her brother!  Still taking 5 bottles a day, 6 oz each.
-She's crawling/scooting everywhere!  She can crawl the 'real' way, but knows she can move faster 'army crawling.'  She is into everything, can't take your eyes off of her!
-2 bottom teeth!  And her hair is really coming in!!!!  I think she has as much hair as Coop!
-Saying ma-ma and da-da
-Can go from laying down to sitting up and vice versa.

I swear she isn't as big as they pictures make her out to be...she looks huge here!

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