Thursday, October 17, 2013

Sleeping Babies

Every night when I go check on my kids before I go to bed, I want to take my camera with me.  And every night, I swear they are bigger than they were the night before.  My heart just swells and I feel so lucky to be their mom!
 This was Coop napping at my parents' house last week.  He told me he wasn't tired, just hot so he was taking his shirt off.  I told him to go right ahead.  10 minutes later this is how I found him, shirtless but wrapped up in a fleece blanket :).  This is exactly how he sleeps, on his side, sucking his thumb :(, blanket curled up in arm-usually on his face.
I was out to dinner with girlfriends on this night and just about cried when I peeked in on her in these sweet one piece jammies.  She looked huge!  And she hasn't been in one piece jammies since last winter.  Can you tell my flash startled her?  This is how she usually sleeps, on her back, limbs sprawled out.  Adam jokes that he doesn't know how she sleeps with all that stuff in her bed.  I have mentioned she is a stuffed animal hoarder, right?  Funny story about these pjs...the next morning she was taking them off within 10 minutes of being awake and telling me "baby."  Which I translated that she meant only babies wear these :).

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