Thursday, March 14, 2013

Swim Lessons

Did I already post about Coop's swim lessons?  I can't find it anywhere but it's late and I am half typing/half watching Justin Timberlake on Jimmy Fallon. ;)  Hilarious.

Moving on...swim lessons are incredible!  Cooper goes once a's just him and another girl his age with an instructor for 30 minutes.  He will go every week thru June with the end goal being swimming on their own underwater for 5 feet (i think).  We are so surprised and happy by his excitement to go each week and how willing he is to try anything his instructor asks!  The reason we signed him up for swim lessons is because how timid he has been in the water...his sister is definitely not timid so I am sure to have my hands full at the pool this summer.  I wanted him to have some skills and more confidence so that he's not attached to my hip.  

 Parents sit on the other side of a glass wall...he often turns to us during lessons to give a thumbs up.
 kick, kick, kick.  He has a male instructor which I a former teacher I think it's so important to for kids to have men role models as teachers as well as women.
This week they moved to just one flipper...big deal ;).


  1. I really want to get my little guy in some swim lessons! I can't wait to take him to the pool this summer.... I used to be a lifeguard....maybe I can just be his private instructor! Cooper looks so cute in his flippers, ha!!

  2. Looks like so much fun! Make sure you take pics for the easter basket link up! :)
