Monday, March 25, 2013

Imaginary Friends

Oh yeah, we have hit that stage and I love it!  Cooper has been into Superheros for a few months now but they have just recently 'become alive.'  It's began with Robin (yes, of Batman and Robin) but yesterday/today, Aquaman, Flash, and Green Lantern have joined us.

I am often hear, "Mom, you forgot to let Robin in the car."  "Robin and Aquaman want some breakfast too."  Out of bed after 10 one night to tell me, "Robin is thirsty Mom and needs a drink."  Today he woke from nap and rushes downstairs to tell me, "Mom, we left Aquaman and Flash at the gym this morning."
This tower is at the entrance to our neighborhood.  The past week he has told me that his where his superhero friends live.  He waves and yells 'hi' to them if they aren't with us.
 Robin joined us at dinner one night...Coop even fed him french fries.
He's telling Robin to smile for the picture :).


  1. This is hilarious! Tyler doesn't even know who Aquaman, Flash, and the Green Lantern are. He might know Batman and Robin…

  2. This is hysterical! Kellen is often dressed as one of the above, but never pretends they are with us... I love the imaginary friends! :)

  3. I've read this twice & laughed both times!! Great imagination!!
