Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hello Spring!

Don't get me wrong, we have had plenty of nice days and very few miserable days, but this week really feels like we are headed in the right direction (hello 80s) and not looking back (bye-bye 40/50s).  I couldn't be happier, combine the weather and our new patio=one happy outdoor family.  The kids and I spent most of today in our backyard, it was awesome!

We love a picnic!
 March Madness is here!  Our Hawks won today...does that mean the kids and I will be wearing the same KU shirts the rest of the month??  Probably ;).  Love my bracelet stack you KU fans??  Shop them here and here.
This guy joined us for short bit until Dad stepped in and took care of business.  Lizards are one thing, but snakes???  Really?  Ugh.
 The ever popular colored rice.
 This little busy body sat here and played for over 20 minutes!
 Lola loves the sun as much as us.
Man, that cheesy smile kills me.  side note...he is dressing himself these days...shirts, pants, underwear are often on backwards and he doesn't care so neither do I.

1 comment:

  1. Message me on FB and tell me where you got Laney's shirt! LOVE it! And that snake? I got the chills just looking at your picture. EWWWWW.
