Tuesday, March 12, 2013

House Love

This month marks our 2 year anniversary in our house!  I can.not.believe.it.  One year-yes.  Two years-no way.  Moving in feels like yesterday!  If you know us, you know our house record doesn't last much longer (if that) than 2 years...it's almost like I expect Adam to come home anyday with a new job proposition somewhere other than here :).  But, it looks like we are going to be here for awhile and with that we completed our first big project...and by project I mean we hired people to do it ;).  Besides a couple furniture pieces we luckily haven't had to do anything (even change paint colors!) to the house since we moved in. 
 Sooo, we decided to expand our back patio and make it a more liveable (sp?) space.

Here are a couple before pics...
 We love our playset but we didn't love its location...right off the patio.
 First they moved the playset farther down the yard.  
Here's the original view from our backdoor to the patio...we didn't even have room to set up our patio furniture.
We had a few different design options for the layout.  See the playset off to the side?  Love its location!
Concrete poured, woo-hoo!
Adam's fam was in town the weekend the work started on it (more on their visit later) so all the boys went to help Adam get a tv.  At first I thought it was a great idea...I hate Best Buy and anything electronic.  And then they walked in with a TV box that seemed as big as the wall they were going to put it on.
The next week they built the stone wall.
Add some cobblestone, landscaping and it's finished!
Those stepping stones are the kids favorite part.  And yes, we have had the conversation with Cooper that the rocks are for the the ground, not to throw at sister, window, etc.
We adore our new space and have already spent lots of time out back.  It's the perfect addition to our home!
The nights haven't quite been warm enough for me but Adam has swayed me with that fancy heater.

Family and friends, come visit us!  


  1. The patio looks awesome! My husband will be very jealous of the outdoor TV.

  2. Turned out so, so good! Love the stone wall and landscaping!

  3. love, Love, LOVE! Aren't you lucky to have nice weather 10 months a year ... your cost per use will be mere pennies in no time at all! :)
    Is there enough room for some lounge chairs to catch some rays? If so, I'm booking a flight now!

    1. Yes, lots of lounge chairs...but not exactly relaxing with 2 tiny tots circling :). You and Julie need to plan a weekend and meet up here!!!
