Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Temper Tantrums

Wow, sister knows how to throw a fit.  I had to drag her out of her play car tonight kicking and screaming after our walk and rush in the house because I am sure our neighbors 5 houses down were wondering what was going on.

Keep her fed, give her what she wants, don't take anything away, play outside, or you get a version of this...

This was after the bowl of ice cream we were sharing was gone.


  1. Laney, I sometimes want to act like that when my ice cream is gone too. ;)

  2. Ha! Her two bottom teeth crack me up. And I agree, ice cream being gone is NOT fun!

  3. Hysterical! Is it weird that the advertisement at the bottom while I'm typing this reads... the "Best Toddler Discipline". Laney- give 'em hell... maybe your Mom and Dad will decide that they need extra hands to deal with you and move closer to home. :) Love ya!

  4. If you thought Laney was bad, wait until you meet Hadley aka the "Mad Hadder." She has begun to show us her true looks a lot like that picture of Laney, but in newborn form!
