Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Day with Dad

Cooper has reached that independent age where he can hang with the big boys!  Last week he and Adam spent a day with a friend out at his land.  The goal of the day was to pull up some tree stumps across the land and have a little fun.  Cooper was ecstatic to go!  We packed him lots of snacks, a couple movies, his blankie for naptime in the back of my car, a few toys and his own chair to rest and watch the big guys. 
They were gone all day, 9-7.  Cooper walked in the door with a huge smile and was so excited to tell me all about it.  He got to drive my car, run all over, watch the guys pull trees out of the ground with a jeep, go fishing, ride in a paddleboat, watch a movie in the car, and even take a nap in the car! 

 Life on the land...no seatbelts :)
 Love this and imagining what those 2 were discussing out there.

What did Laney and I do all day?  The gym, cleaning, lots of shopping...I am on a hunt for the perfect royal blue skinny jeans...need them for KU basketball season!  Any ideas for me?  Adam said this is probably our future, the boys doing their thing and us girls doing ours.  I said, hello, have you met our daughter?  My bet is she is going to be right out there with those boys, leaving her mother with some occasional peace and quiet.   :)

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