Saturday, October 27, 2012

3 year well check!

We are always a couple months behind with appts, hence the 3 year well check when he's actually 3 years and a few months.  All was good and we couldn't be happier about that.  Our only question was about his stuttering.  He stuttered for a couple weeks over the summer and it just disappeared.  It happened to reappear recently.  She reassured our thoughts that it is definitely common for this age and shouldn't be a concern at all at this point.  
Here are his stats...weight 31 lbs, 35%ile. height 39 1/2 inches, 83%ile.  She was a tad concerned about his low weight.  We are definitely not.  He's a good eater and has had the same body build from day one.  
His version of 2 thumbs up :).  He was not a fan of the paper robe they supplied, instead he rocked his underwear and socks with no cover up.

1 comment:

  1. Has the doctor met your family?! You are all skinny minis! Glad to hear he's doing great :)
