Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Book Nook

How have I not posted about the book nook yet?  Or have I?  Pretty sure I haven't.  Anyway, moving on...

I saw the idea on my friend Jenny's blog-think she had pinned it on her Pinterest board, which I check often :).  It was super simple.  I just scooted Laney's crib down a bit, gathered some pillows/blankets, and happened to already have a shower rod.  All I was missing was some fabric for curtains.  Of course, I waited on my crafty sis to come in town to help with that.  Here it is...
 Ok-so not exactly big enough for the whole fam :)
 Thanks Aunt Alli for creating the curtains, the book nook is complete!
 The second you put Doodles down in her room, she goes straight for the nook!
It often becomes a wrestling ring.