Tuesday, January 3, 2012

4 Months!

Laney Faith turned 4 months on Christmas Eve, I just can't believe it!  She seems so big already and she's just 4 months!!!  I guess I can no longer say I have a newborn? :(
Here is the latest and greatest on our sweet baby girl...
-14 lbs 6 oz - 60%ile  and 25 3/4 inches 90%ile and was 85%ile for head size.  A big, healthy girl!
-She is in her Bumbo and Exersaucer for short periods of time, getting stronger with her head and neck muscles everyday.
-She is still nursing, cut down to 5 times a day.  I pump at her 6th 'feeding' to build up some supply for freedom ;).
-Sleeping like a dream!  She goes to sleep around 10ish and isn't up until between 8:30-9:30...perfection!  I am still swaddling her at night with plans to wean her off that this month.  She isn't really on a nap schedule, usually sleeps about an hour in the morning, couple hours in the afternoon and then dozes off sometime in the evening before bed.
-Smiling like crazy and giggling.  Our favorite is the morning smiles, she is just so darn happy the minute she sees our faces and the feeling is mutual.
-Wearing size 2 diapers an 3-6 month clothes.  Any one pieces are 6 month for her long length!
-She is much more cooperative at tummy time and is now turning head to both sides.  Always rolling on to her side, but not all the way over yet. 

 love those tummy rolls!
 Anytime her feet are loose, she is all about them!

ugh, I rotated this picture in iPhoto...what happened???  Anways...Santa brought this rug for Laney and it is the perfect addition to her nursery.  I think it makes a great photo background too!


  1. She is so adorable Ashley and has such sweet, beautiful eyes!

  2. she should benaked i LOVE thepussy at that age
