Saturday, December 27, 2014

Pre Christmas Fun

Lots of fun leading up to Christmas!
 We made marshmallow snowman…or as Laney likes to call it - snowman gets 1, I get 6.

 We had hot chocolate with our marshmallows.
 I forgot to take pictures of the final product!
 We put Pippi in the ottoman while the big kids worked with marshmallows…kidding!  But she was loving the ottoman for a bit…and that hair!
 Laney played at Gunner's one morning and they made gumdrop trees.  Laney only asked 15 times a day if she could have one.

 I made these for the kids' teachers gifts.  The mugs were from Target and the little trees from Trader Joes.  I most definitely did not think of this gift on my own, but I can't remember the blog that I found it.
 Nineey had lots of fun in our house this year, definitely the most creative he has ever been.  However, I didn't take any pics except this one.
 Every year since high school, Ali, Stacey and I with our moms have done a Christmas lunch.  We always had it Houstons on the Plaza…until we had kids :).  After a couple of kids, we started going to one of our houses and it's much better that way.  This year Stacey hosted us in her beautiful new home. It's one of my favorite Christmas traditions, love this group!
 These two were the first babies of the group, in fact I think we took them to Houston's with us at least one year.
 A hazard to having your tree on hardwood floors and playing ball in the house.  Coop and I were playing baseball in the house and he nailed it right into the tree and down went an ornament.  I was totally bummed because it was an ornament that he made out of his handprint in preschool a couple years ago.
 Thanks to hand me downs, she has so many pairs of Christmas pjs!
 We took a couple ornaments off the angel tree at church.  I talked to the kids about how there are kids that don't have a lot of toys and nice things like they do.  We talked about how lucky they are to have a nice house, a car to go places, all the toys to play with.  We picked a 5 year old boy that wanted a Paw Patrol toy…which is a show the kids have been watching a lot.  We also picked a 3 year old girl that wanted a pink or purple shirt.  Well, my talks didn't exactly work.  They BEGGED for a Paw Patrol toy and Laney bawled when she had to put this back on the shelf.  
 Nineey the elf brought a gingerbread house for the kids to decorate.
 I don't have a finished product but Cooper's side was lined up perfectly and Laney's side was…not so much, pretty fitting for their personality.

Lots more Christmas fun to come, I am sure you are just dying to read ;).

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