Monday, November 11, 2013

Potty Training = HUGE success for Laney Faith!

I posted about our potty training progress with Doodles here.  We officially jumped into big girl panties this weekend with Laney Faith!  After she woke up Saturday morning, I had all her panties washed and ready to go.  She went potty and was all about her new underwear!

She went on to have zero accidents all day!  We asked her about every 30 minutes and made sure she sat on potty every hour.  We rewarded her with a Smartie each time she went and she couldn't have been happier about that!  No rewards for dry underwear and by the end of the day, I don't think we were even giving Smarties anymore. We went to Saturday evening mass so we put her in a pull-up.  An hour and half later when we got home, she was dry!  

Obviously she is still in diapers at nap time and night, but she is usually dry after naps.  We continued with panties on Sunday and she continued to do awesome!  We are sticking with pull-ups for right now when out and about but she has stayed dry and will go on any public potty we take her to.  With that being said, I will say that boys are much easier when it comes to public restrooms.  I could and still can get Cooper in and out of a restroom without touching anything in the restroom.  Ugh, not Laney, she demands to hold herself up on potty…ugh, blah, ugh!  Thankfully she is very into washing her hands :).  

All in all, I would say she is about 90% potty trained, just need to bite the bullet and put her in big girl panties in public.  Honestly, I still can't believe how easy it has been and can't believe that we are basically out of diapers a month before Baby #3 arrives!  

Cooper was a bit disappointed that we didn't have a plan for the day and I was letting him stay in his pjs.  He asked to paint and do school work…done!
 Laney colored with us and loved every minute.
 One of her rewards for going on the potty was coloring with markers!

She looks so grown up now!

Tonight after shower we put her in a diaper to get ready for bed.  I was blow drying my hair and she was playing with Dad and Coop.  She came in the bathroom and said, "Mommy, gotta pee."  Then she proceeded to take off her pajama pants, diaper and go on the potty.  Woot-Woot, we are so proud of you Laney Faith!  You have totally blown us away with your big girl potty success!!!! 


  1. Awesome job Miss Laney! She will be one that can accomplish anything once she puts her mind to it. :)

  2. love to pull down her cute little knickers

    1. me too then stick my tounge deeeeeeep in her bumhole and lick

    2. I have my granddau for the weekend, grandma had to work yesterday so grandpa had her all alone, nkd or just knix all day, potty time, bath time, nap time she was such a good girl for grandpa her p-ssy and soft mouth were lovely
