Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween 2013 with Batman and Cupcake

Halloween 2013 was so fun!  I just read this post on Halloween last year.  Wow!  What a difference a year makes!!!  
This year Laney was walking and Cooper was 100% into it, asked about trick or treating in the days leading up to it and is obsessed with all his candy!  It really was so much fun with both kids.
 The cutest cupcake and Batman in town!
My streak of not buying Halloween costume continues!  We are so thankful for family/friend hand-me-downs and borrowed costumes.  This is the first year that Cooper had an opinion in his costume :(.
 Cooper was playing with the sweet neighbor girls across the street before trick-or-treating.  You should have seen his eyes light up when they asked us if we wanted to trick-or-treat thru the neighborhood with them.
This is the first house we visited and one of the few we kept up with Cooper.  This house gave out full size candy bars, when Cooper saw them, he said, "Whoa, they have the big ones!"  I was pleased as punch when Laney picked out the Twix, thanks Doodles, one of mom's faves!
I have way more pics of Laney because we were trick-or-treating/passing out candy buddies.  Cooper was usually a few houses ahead of us with Landree...check out that smile, think he was happy about that?  
This house had 3 buckets set out and these 2 really debated what one piece they were going to choose ;).
Laney was totally happy and would grab candy but she definitely wanted Adam or I to walk with her and we passed lots of houses (trying to keep up with big brother) without her noticing.  

Quite a few of the houses in our neighborhood decorate for Halloween and my kids just love it.  We have taken many walks this month to see them all.  Laney would randomly stop by decor for pics :).
 After our street, Laney and I hung out on the front porch to hand out (and eat :)) candy, while Dad and Coop finished up trick-or-treating the next street over.
 "More Mommy, More?"
 When I pulled out Lola's dinosaur costume earlier this month, the kids could't get enough.  They thought it was hilarious, Lola did not seem to show the same enthusiasm.
Cooper and Dad came back home and he was out of his costume when I realized I didn't have a picture with him!  Costume back on and candy bribery for a couple pics.
I just dread the day he doesn't want to dress in an innocent costume and walk the neighborhood with his mom and dad :(.
He was adament about getting a pic of Adam and I.  Wouldn't it be awesome if we were fun parents (like my friend Jenny!) that dressed up with their kids??  Unfortunately we are not...someday?
These kids may not live near their Grandparents but they don't let a holiday slip by without sending the kids something super fun!  This balloon and candy delivery arrived from Mamaw and Papaw!
Grandma and Grandpa sent them Thanksgiving apparel with more candy!

Hope you all had a Happy Halloween too!  Adam and I just smiled thinking that next year we would be pulling a wagon with a baby in tow while trying to keep up with the big kids :).

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