Friday, May 3, 2013

Sibling Love and Ordinary Days

Sibling Love
 Laney had actually just hit Cooper (can't remember why now).  I told her to go give him a hug and kiss...she looks real sorry, right?
 He was totally soaking it in...

It appears he has her in a choke hold, but it was sweet, I promise.  This was a real treat.  This fire truck is outside the grocery store and Coop always wants to ride it.  Well, the bright sunshine and incredible behavior at the grocery store not only led me to let them sit on it...I put quarters in for the actual ride!!  This was a big deal...this stuff is usually saved for Dad and Grandparents not boring ol' Mom.

Ordinary Days
 And now for ordinary days.  Not much as changed when I am making dinner.  I usually turn on Jake and the Neverland Pirates-both kids ecstatic.  Laney is done after 30 seconds, Cooper is zoned in for the full 30 minutes.  Then Laney does a mixture of those stickers all over her body and the following 2 pics...
 This is mild...I had already picked up 1/2 before Adam got the picture.  I should probably child lock this cabinet but then what would I do with those 10 minutes it takes to pick this up every night???
This is actually pretty mild too.  Often I can't see the rug.  Thankfully Cooper has stepped it up in the cleaning up department to help me at night after the destroyer is in bed.

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