Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tomboy, Teeth, and a Tough Decision

 Tomboy?  Just maybe.  On a walk last week, I stopped the kids to point out a worm.  Laney sat her happy hips down and picked up that sucker.  She thought it was hilarious!  For the record, her brother's fingers never touched that worm.
 Teeth.  I have been meaning to post about Doodles teeth for months!  And now she has a mouthful!  It seems like every week I spot a new one sprouting.  The latest is the bottom two on either side of middle ones (clearly I don't know the correct term for these teeth).  She has at least 12 now, that seems like a lot!
Tough decision.  Ugh, how is time to register for next year already?  Obviously Coop is going back next year, gotta keep on keepin' on.  
The decision is with Doodles.  We started Coop at her age (will be 2 in the fall).  I had no 2nd thoughts when we started him...he needed some social skills, there was a new baby coming, and everyone else was doing it.  Here's where I struggle...Laney is learning her social skills with big bro, there is no baby coming (yet), and I don't care what everyone else is doing.  It's not that I don't think she would adjust, in fact I am sure she would adore it and thrive.  She just still seems like a baby to me and I feel like my babies are slipping thru my fingers.  And I don't crave days alone without the kids (yet).  Even though I know 2 days=9 solid hours I could devote to my Stella and Dot business instead of working it at naptime and from 10-midnight/1am and running some errands minus kids/carseats.  
Wondering Adam's opinion?  He was all about her starting next year, he knows how great Coop did, how Laney would adore it and doesn't get why I am even questioning it.  And then I reminded him we will be doubling tuition and his mind quickly shifted ;).  So this is where we (or I, Adam is on board with whatever I decide) are at in the decision process...I change my mind every other day.  Good news/bad news, I have less than 2 weeks to make a final decision.  i am very aware that when i have teenagers i will look back on this and laugh that i thought this was a tough decision ;)   


  1. I love that in Laney's tomboy photo she has a tutu shirt on and is holding a worm. Classic!

  2. Wait.... "yet"! Are we getting a 3rd little Jones Jayhawk someday?! :)
