Monday, February 4, 2013

28 Days of Love

Ok-I finalized my list tonight!  I have already done a couple things but can't wait to get the kids involved in on few with me too. Because I am technically challenged, no cute list like my friend Sarah, whose I posted here.

28 Days of L-O-V-E

- Donate clothes to local charity
-Leave Starbucks card on a car in the teacher's parking lot at local elementary school
-Take basket of snacks to maternity waiting room
-Bring muffins and notes of appreciation to the wonderful church daycare ladies
-Donate books to pediatrician's office
-Gift my favorite gym instructor with some cute earrings
-Take cookies to firefighters
-Clip coupons and tape them to items at the grocery store
-Take a jar of dimes to the library for late fees
-Donate old running shoes to Soles4Souls
-Send a blog friend a random gift
-Babysit for a friend
-Volunteer at local charity, Food for the Soul
-Leave $1 bills in the $1 toy bins at Target
-Leave thank you card and Gatorades on top of trash can for our trash men
-Take bouquet of flowers to nursing home for nurse to giveaway
-Take bottled water with Crystal Light drink mixes for nurses at nursing home
-Take thank you and snack mix for child care workers at Lifetime Fitness
-Tape quarters to kiddie rides at grocery store
-Bring Cooper's teachers notes of appreciation and jewels
-Tip a waiter/waitress an extra 20%
-Donate Pampers Gifts to Grow codes to their 4 charities
-Donate food to Food for the Soul
-Overpay baby-sitter
-Pay for car behind me in drive-thru
-Surprise crossing guards with Sonic cherry limeades
-Cook dinner and deliver to friend
-Donate stuffed animals to police station for kids in bad situations

I can't wait to start sharing the love with these Random Acts of Kindness!  I am so ready to do more good and hope people pay it forward.  Who's with me?  Please share if you are!  I will keep you posted on mine!