Saturday, February 16, 2013

3 1/2 Years!

This boy turned 3 1/2 this week.
Besides always giving this cheesy smile for the camera, here's what else he is up to...
-Still an incredible sleeper.  We put him to bed around 8:30, he's rarely asleep before 9.  Usually up around 8 or unless his sister's morning chatter wakes him earlier. He's back down for a nap around 1, sleeps a solid 2-3 hours.
-Loves going to preschool.  His teachers say he always participates but hardly speaks a word of school at home.
-Is an ok eater-would survive on Chick Fil A and PB&J if he could.  Really digging yogurt, fruit, baked potatoes, pancakes/waffles, avocados, cheese.
-Favorite things to play at home- basketball (really need to post about our games), Super Heroes, working guys with trucks, riding his bike, playing golf and of course, reading books. 

At preschool they celebrate summer birthdays on their 1/2 birthday.  I took Coop to grocery store and told him I would make any treat to take to school.  He wanted cupcakes.  He chose strawberry (yuck!) with pink icing.  Not sure about the pink thing?  He's always adament about his favorite colors being red and blue.  Man, he was pumped to take these babies to school.
 Adam got home the night of Coop's 1/2 birthday after being gone for a week so we headed out to celebrate and have some fun at Urban Air!  It was soooo fun!  Not sure who enjoyed it more parents or kids?? :)
 Laney just ran circles around this area.  Cooper raced Adam and I and jumped, jumped, jumped, etc.
Adam had a tiny bit of fun playing Dodgeball.  Coop was his wingman and Laney screamed to get in their for her turn.

Happy 1/2 Birthday Cooper William, we love you!!!

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