Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Heart Day 2013

Valentine's Day was pretty uneventful, which was fine with me.  We all wore red/pink, had dinner together, and Coop celebrated at school.  Here's the holiday in pics...
His Valentine cards this year make me cringe.  I despise the teeny, tiny cheesy cards with gross candy attached and I had so many grand ideas from Pinterest.  But it was over when he spotted these suckers and I  Maybe next year??? 
Did you ever notice the tiny space they leave for you to write your name on the cards?  I didn't until I had a 3 year old writing his name on them...impossible.  So we improvised and he wrote his name on the back (minus the e) and Dad did the front.  Shout out to Dad that did these with Coop, I was at a Stella and Dot show and of course waited until the night before to finish them!  And we were so proud of Cooper for writing his name on them all, that's a big accomplishment in this house!
This was as creative as I got for the holiday this year.  Not even cards/gifts for the kids.  They were spoiled by their Grandparents and Adam and I gave up sugar for Lent so no sweets in this house!
Cooper made this for us at school.  Man those teachers are good, will treasure this forever!  See that cheesy, ridiculous smile in the picture?  Everytime he smiles like that I laugh thinking of the Friends episode with Monica and Chandler's engagement pics...please tell me you remember it?! 
This pic is to document the beautiful day we had, sunny and 70.  
Valentine Kisses
Earlier this week I attempted a Valentine photo shoot, total bomb.  This was the best I got...Laney wouldn't sit still and Cooper was determined to catch her.  I even had M&Ms bribery and One Direction playing on my phone!
I attempted more pics tonight and it was a failure too, at least Cooper has a real smile here.  They are only smiling because Adam put Lola on my head, they were both screaming seconds before and after.

Sending lots of love from Texas to all of you on this special day!

Click here to see Valentine's Day last year.  I can.not.believe. how much the kids have changed!

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