Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Farewell April!

It was a quick week between our weekend visitors!

 Adam are overthinking a chore chart for the kids...
 I spend most of dance class chasing her around.
 We went to the beach!!
Ha!  I wish!  Instead we took our new sand toys to the neighborhood sand volleyball court ;).  Cooper said, "this is almost like being at the beach!"  Kind of...not really at all.
 Snotty baby loves playground tunnels.
And just when you think the day couldn't get find $5 buried in the sand!!!!  He was over the moon!  We went home and he put it straight in his piggy bank.

April was fun but we really started May off with a bang!

1 comment:

  1. When I saw your "beach" picture, I thought, "they did?!!?" You got me :)
