Thursday, July 25, 2013

Laney's bug bite

This wasn't just any bug bite, this was a severe (well, i consider it severe) allergic reaction to some bug bite.  Here's the scoop...
**warning, lots of details you could probably care less about but i need it documented in case it happens again.  this baby is apparently eating my memory**

Here's the background...last Saturday was cuh-razy.  We had a teeball game, 3 birthday parties and a BBQ/swim party.  When changing Doodles into her jammies (still at friends' house and already after 9), we noticed she had a red spot in between her eyebrows.  We had no concern since she is almost 2 which means she constantly has red spots, bumps, bruises.  She was happy as can be all night, even when not getting home to bed until 10:30.  She wasn't up until after 9 the next morning (her brother at 10am!) and woke up with some swelling.

 We went to brunch Sunday morning and couldn't figure out what had happened.  At this point we saw no sign of a bug bite.  We are pretty laid back so not really concerned at this point.  She wasn't acting any different at all.
 The morning and early afternoon come and go and this is when I start getting a bit concerned.  The swelling just seemed to be getting worse.  We thought if she had hit her head the swelling would be immediate and not 12-15 hours later.  We decided to let her nap and see what she looked like after.
I was in the office working when Adam is carrying her down from nap and says, "yeah, i think we need to take her to urgent care."  I about died when she came in to see me, happy as can be.  Her eyes were getting smaller and smaller!  So we packed some snacks and the fam to head to Urgent Care at 4:30 on Sunday afternoon.
 Believe it or not, this was our first trip to urgent care here in Texas (i think...there's that memory thing again).  Our pediatrician is linked (not location, just same organization?) to the main children's hospital in Fort Worth and so is the Urgent Care!  It was nice to go somewhere that is specialized in children.
Seriously, she was so happy!  Well, until the doctors started poking and prodding.
She snuck in lots of time on Dad's phone and ipad.
At this point the bug bite was easy to spot.  So, the doc treated her as having an allergic reaction to bug bite with Benadryl but with it being in that sensitive area they took some further precautions.  There was the fear it was or could lead to a bacterial infection.  They drew blood (wow, that was fun) to make sure all her blood levels were good.  They were.  When the doctors left the room and she was still so upset, Cooper (with his back to us coloring) says, "no fear Laney, the doctors are gone now."  This kid melts my heart with the things he says to his sister.    
Since they weren't sure exactly what had happened (no idea what had bit her and when) and why there was so much crazy swelling, they gave her an antibiotic to cover the infection worry.  It was 2 shots, one in each leg (even more fun) :(.  Poor baby had a hard time walking for an hour or so.  We had to wait 30 minutes after shot to make sure there was no reaction to it.  
Our new coloring habit came in quite handy for those hours in the urgent care room.  They were playing Monsters Inc on TV but the kids didn't want to watch!  Our crayon colors were limited and apparently it was Christmas in July at urgent care!

We went to dinner since it was 7 after Doodles was discharged.  Of course when the food comes Cooper says he is feeling sick and wants to go to the car...what?  He has never done that before and since he was the only one that the 24 flu bug didn't hit just recently, I totally obliged fearing he may ralph all over the table.  As we were walking out he tells Adam, "get a box for my chicken, I may want that later." :)  And he did.  About 30 minutes later he ate it all and never got sick.
After dinner we go to fill Laney's prescription.  Well, 3 pharmacies and almost 2 hours later we got her prescription filled.  Remember it was after 8 on a Sunday, boo.

Our poor Laney Faith!  But I am telling you, she was her same happy self which made us so happy and not feel as bad.  She still scored her very own cookies'n'cream shake from Sonic...who could turn that face down?  At some point on our drive home she poked that straw right thru the bottom of the cup so Adam was greeted with quite the mess when he got her out of the car.
It was a crazy few hours but we feel so lucky that it was nothing serious and the kids were seriously so awesome throughout all of it!  
This was Monday morning!  She seriously couldn't open her eyes any wider!  I tested her vision by giving her my phone, she maneuvered right to the photos section and pointed out people she knew.  Again, happy as can be!
Monday afternoon, huge improvement from morning.  We had a follow up appointment with her pediatrician.  All seemed to be okay, they just told us to stay on top of Benadryl and antibiotics.
Monday night at Cooper's end of season tee ball pizza party.  Again, improved from just a few hours earlier.  I told Adam I couldn't even remember what normal Laney Faith looked like!  I already become accustomed to swollen Laney!
This was Tuesday morning.  Besides the crazy expression, 100% better than the morning before.  You can really see the bug bite now next to her left eyebrow.
Wednesday morning, still a bit red but basically 100%.  Now, if only we were done with the antibiotics, she's on Clindamyacin.  It's 3 times a day for 10 days and we just finished day 4!  The doctor and pharmacist warned us about how nasty it is even when flavored.  For the most part though, this sassy girl is a champ and has made it easy on us!

So what caused all that crazy redness and swelling is up in the air!

1 comment:

  1. Your daughter looks really happy in those pictures, especially the one where she's holding a large Sonic cup! Except for the swelling, you wouldn't know something's wrong. Good thing it was not serious.

    Javier Carol @
