Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Gulf Shores 2012-day one

Well, I knew I would regret not keeping up with the blog each day on vacation!  Here I am with a million pictures to choose from and they are all starting to run together a bit.  This is why it's taken me so long to start the posts...this is to answer those of you calling/texting me to update the blog ;).

Our first full day was a torrential downpour most of the day, but we didn't let it ruin our fun.  There were pancakes, lots of naps (dads and kids), movies, IPad games, pretend car wash, out to dinner with a stop at the souvenir shop to get my kids sweatshirts...yep, it was sweatshirt worthy weather.  We wrapped up the day with a dance party, storytime, and prayers for sunshine!

 One storm would leave and another would roll in.

The waves were huge!  This was the view from our deck, incredible! Our house sat right on the beach and made things super convenient when you have 5 kids and a million things to carry back and forth.
 Yes, these 2 boys had dualing IPads and were often sitting next to one another playing the same Mickey Mouse app.
I set up a car lasted about 2 1/2 minutes.
Coop is definitely our snuggler, Doodles is always wanting to be on the go!
Ready to head out for dinner, then I realized it was only 70 degrees and pouring rain, so...
I picked up this awesome (are you hearing my sarcasm) tourist sweatshirt at a local shop.  Fortunately, it was the only time she had to wear it!

Lots of energy from being cooped up all day=dance party!


  1. looks like coop is doing the "michael jackson!" so cute!!!

    1. @Bethany-that's exactly what he is doing...we have Justin Bieber to thank for that one, ugh!
