Monday, June 25, 2012

Beach Mornings

Under our beach house deck was a perfect sand area.  The kids spent many a morning/evening collecting shells and building castles.  

 A lot of effort was put into this particular sand castle ;).
 With their shells/rocks.
My view while I was supervising the sand play :).  In case you are wondering, it was Catching Fire (2nd in Hunger Games series) and it was fabulous!  For me, a dream life is the beach and stacks of books to read. 

You should all know that any picture from vacation that looks professional, probably is!  Kristin is a professional photographer so she was snapping away all week and editing the pics.  She graciously shared all the images with me!  How lucky am I?  Check out her website to see all her work.  She is based out of Norman, OK, but does a few DFW shoots throughout the year.

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