Wednesday, April 29, 2015

April Randomness

I can't believe April is almost over!  How did that happen??

 Piper is definitely learning the ropes from her big brother and sister on how to play.
 She wanted to take a nap in the laundry room...oh Laney!
 I keep her busy during the kids' swim lessons with food, this girl is ready to get in the water!
 The goggles are her favorite part of swim lessons.  Not only does she love to chew on them, she loves to wear them too ;).

 On Mondays, my mom has the Souders' kids so she picks up Cooper and drops him and Gunner off at preschool.  She picks the boys up and they often stay for lunch and to play.
 Lola loves when there is extra high chair girls here ;).
 The kids are still in swim lessons and doing well.  Cooper is learning to dive.
 Laney wrote this the other day and I was stunned!  She can write her name but I didn't know she could write Piper as well!!!  Ok-not everyone would notice that as Piper, but as her mother I recognized it right away!
 Laney is still in dance once a week-her recital is in a couple weeks.  She has really loved it!
 Laney Faith totally knows how to entertain herself!  I think it's a second child thing??  Cooper still asks all the time for me to play with him, she rarely does.  She was in my shower with lots of my Stella & Dot things sending emails.
 Next up was salon time while Piper napped.
 We have been a family of 5 for over a year now, so it's time to get rid of the 4 seater table!  I told Coop to take a picture of us at this table one last time and this was Adam's reaction ;).  
 Laney hopped right up and said she would take a picture with me!
 This table has been a part of our 6 houses in 3 states over the last 11/12 years-lots of miles traveled in a trailer!  
 My sister helped (ok-she did it all) recover the chairs a couple years ago. 
 Our new table!!!  I stopped by my friend Ali's house a couple weeks back and she had me check out some tables she just painted to sell...with no idea I would be interested.  As soon as I saw this one, I knew it would be perfect and I had to have it!
 I adore it, now I just need chairs to match.
 At the top he drew a F=fine face, H=happy face, S=sad face.  I can't remember what the rest of the illustration was about.
 Awful lighting!  They had taken all our little people animals and created a zoo.  They had the animals in all different categories and played for an hour!
 He hates that his sisters like to erase his drawings, so he has me take a picture to remember it ;).
 The Stella & Dot CEO, Jessica Herrin, came to KC and some of the KC stylists got to have dinner/drinks with her.  It was basically like an episode of the Bachelor...25 women eating/drinking, all trying to get one-on-one time with her ;).  She was so gracious and kind!  It's not everyday you get some one on one time with the CEO in the business we are in-it was an incredible opportunity!!  She's the one in the middle.
 My big kids have been nap resistant lately...I know, it's tragic...for me.  It's actually tragic for everyone around 5-6 because that is when the no nap meltdowns kick in.  I found Laney like this yesterday as we were leaving for swim lessons.  She was sound asleep on the playroom floor.
She is still driving us crazy cracking us up every day, all day.

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