Sunday, June 21, 2015

The first week of June

It was the first week of June but you wouldn't know by the weather.  It rained and rained some more with mild temps and gloomy days, but we made the best of it! 
 In between rain storms, we did our best to get outside.  The girls love to color with chalk and Coop usually has me playing catch...when I am not chasing Piper down the sidewalk or out in the road.
 Adam was out of town most of the week so we sent him pics along the way.
 The Gibson and Nitschke girls came over to play!  Cooper asked me why my friends have all girls ;).
 My parents had to get a new liner in their pool this year.  Cooper helped my dad clean it out to get ready for the new liner.

 Poor Lola needed a haircut bad!!!!!  This was on the way to the groomers, I had plans to get an after pic but it didn't happen.
The tray has been removed from her high chair because she either does this or put it on her head.
 Friday morning we met the Stilley girls at the Rainbow Play Systems warehouse.  They have open play-which is a great options on rainy days.
 She would swing forever!
 Friday afternoon, Cash and Quincy came over for a while to play.  Cash invited Coop over to spend the night-Aaron took them to Sneads where Coop thoroughly enjoyed his brisket.
 They both enjoyed dessert.
 Adam was still out of town and Coop was gone, so she and I got in our pjs, made popcorn and watched cartoons together.  She wasn't crying, there was something in her eye ;).
 Members of the big bow club!  I went to pick Coop up Saturday morning and we switched kids.  I took Cash with us to watch Cooper play baseball and Laney stayed to lunch with Quincy.  She loves to mother Quincy.
The sun came out for the weekend!  Coop continues to love baseball and plays well.
 Games during nap time are rough.
 Handsome boys!
Ava-Grace had her dance recital but I had all 3 kids so I wasn't sure how it was going to work.  I love to watch her dance because she is so incredibly talented!!  Since Laney was already napping at his house, Aaron offered to keep her and Coop so I could go watch, so nice!  So I dropped both boys off after the game and headed to dance recital with Piper.  As always, Ava totally impressed me!
 She got warm at the recital, napped on me (never happens!) and just got warmer so we left early and by the time we got back to Aarons to pick up the kids she was miserable.  She had a 102 fever, poor baby!
 So we ordered Dominos and stayed in for the night!
 After we put Pippi to bed and cleaned up, the big kids and I watched Mary Poppins.  It was their first time to watch and I wasn't sure what they would think.  Of course, Laney can.not sit still and watch a movie so she danced on that chair for most of the movie.  At the end, they both really liked it!  
Just as I was going to bed around midnight, I went to check on this sweet baby one last time.  She was sitting up in her crib just looking around.  I took her to my room, took her temp (101), gave her some more motrin and got her back to sleep around 1.

Sunday was a pretty lazy morning, Pippi was still running a bit of a fever.  Coop got to go to the Royals game...will post on that and the rest of our Sunday next...this post is getting a bit picture overloaded!

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