Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Kids Vacay in Wash, MO!

Joyce and the kids hit the road Tuesday afternoon!  I was putting them in the car and Cooper said, "This is kind of sad, I think I might cry."  Then Laney said, "I not crying, I not sad!"  Those 2 statements basically sum up my 2 oldest children.  

 They started their trip with a Kindergarten graduation for Kellen!
Our kids were right at home!
 Coop was excited to be there to see his buddy graduate from K!
They were missing their 3rd Amigo-Cash!
 Quite the crew for Kellen!

They celebrated with Orange Leaf!
 The next night Laney got to go see Hadley and Brynn dance with Aunt Tanya and Aunt Maggie.
 Coop stayed back to play basketball with Em and the boys...I love the stroller on the court!
 The girls raided Hadley's closet.
 Always superheros!
 Mamaw was very brave and let the 3 girls loose with the PlayDoh.  
 Yep, still more Super Heros
 Mamaw had all 5 of these rascals one day!
 They went to the McCormacks for a sleepover where apparently Laney cried for me when going to bed...what?!
 Manicures by Laney and Brynn.
 They tried to trick me with Pepsi for breakfast ;).
The finished product-wow!

We got great reports on the kids while they were there.  We didn't chat with them much-they were too busy having fun!  We definitely missed them and our house was so quiet, it was almost eery.  Next post is how we Adam, Pippi and I loved survived our time as a family of 3 ;).  A HUGE thank you to Mamaw for inviting them for the week and to her and everyone else there for taking them in amongst your own daily lives!  They truly loved their visit!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. We certainly LOVED having them! Thanks for sharing them with us!
