Thursday, June 11, 2015

School's Out for the Summer!

A month later, I realized that I haven't done a post on the last day of school.  Hard to believe that school has been out for almost a month!  This past year Cooper was in the JrK program and he went to school M-Th, 8:30-11:30.  Laney went the 3 year old class Tu/Th, 8:30-11:30.  Laney will be in the JrK class next year.  I am so so thankful for another year of incredible teachers that loved my kids and spent so much time devoting their efforts into them.  
In Texas I was always super sad saying goodbye to the teachers and the parents that I see everyday at drop-off and pick-up.  This year was different because we just drive thru to drop off and pick up the kids.  So, I haven't really gotten to know the parents and I didn't have to say goodbye to the teachers.  In fact, Adam picked them up from the school on the last day so no tears from me!
 The last day to load up in the car by 8:15!
 I texted the kids' teachers and asked them if they would take pictures with Coop/Laney and send to me.  Laney's pictures make me laugh...she loves her teachers but you wouldn't know it by looking at these.

 I forgot to get a picture before school so it was like pulling teeth to get them outside for a picture in the afternoon.  And Laney put on socks and sneakers...not the look we had going for school ;).  She picked out that dress for the day and I told her it was fine as long as she wore her jean jacket...wasn't sure this halter dress would cover the school code.  However, I am pretty sure she had her jacket off the whole morning.
Another set of incredible teachers that taught Cooper so much this year, mostly about loving God.  This boy has taught Adam and I so much about Jesus and the Bible!  He asked for a Bible for Christmas and we have read it cover to cover 3 times now!  We have loved every story and conversation with him regarding Jesus.  Now he's headed to public school, so the weight is on Adam and I's shoulders to continue that teaching.

And just like that we wrapped up Cooper's preschool career ;(.  I honestly can't believe it and am kind of dreading Kindergarten.  I feel like it's the beginning of the end of school and now it's 5 days a week...seems a bit much ;).  I am so happy and so confident in our decision to hold him back a year.  We are totally going to enjoy this summer before reality hits in August, blah.

I can't remember how it came up but they really wanted McDonalds to celebrate their last day of school.  Here's a funny story...I never take my kids to McDonalds, ever...except for ice cream cones.  My mom is a sucker and will take them wherever they want to go, which is usually McDonalds.  A couple months back she kept them while I had a Stella show/Adam was out of town.  There was a long conversation (led by Cooper) about who was going to die first, Grandma/Grandpa.  His main concern was who would take them to McDonalds when my mom died...priorities;).  We went the next day and they were so excited!!  It's also official that we can't get things past Pippi anymore...she was so mad after the drive thru that she didn't have a meal and the frustration continued when we got home!

School starts for Cooper 2 months from tomorrow, what?!  And he turns 6 two months from tomorrow!!!!!  Let's talk about how unfair it is to me that my oldest baby starts Kindergarten and turns 6 all in one day!

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