Saturday, November 22, 2014

Stomach virus and Laney's 1st trip to Allen Fieldhouse!

How do these 2 things go together?  Well, one of Adam's friends graciously gave us his tickets to an exhibition game at Allen Fieldhouse.  We were so excited to take the kids but hadn't told them yet.  I was in the car line to pick up the kids from preschool on Tuesday when Cooper's teacher came to my car.  She kindly told me that Cooper had just gotten sick in the car line and was in the bathroom.  Ugh.  I went in and picked up that poor boy who had vomited all over the hallway and was then having diarrhea in the bathroom (is that tmi??).  Poor poor Coop was miserable.  When I got Piper out of her crib on Monday morning she had thrown up at some point in the night and it was all over her and her crib.  I was hoping whatever she had was going to stay contained to herself.
Unfortunately him and I were out for the game…if you know me and Coop, this was the ultimate heartbreak.  He felt so miserable that he really didn't care that he wasn't going.  However, the party must go on and we sent Dad and Laney to the game.  They took Rusty, Aaron and Cash with them.

 She was looking the part in her cheerleader uniform.
 Think she was happy to be there with her Dad?? 

 They had incredible seats, happy for them - sad for me.
 Adam taking pictures from the front and Aaron following them taking pictures :).

They came home and both climbed in bed with me.  She said her favorite part was the cheerleaders and the food :).  The next day she told my mom she went to a baseball game…oh Laney, you have a lot to learn.

The stomach virus continued as she greeted me the next morning with hands full of vomit.  :(  However, that was it from her.  She played all day and never got sick again.  It hit Adam on Thursday, a mild case though and I somehow escaped it this time!!!

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