Monday, April 22, 2013

3 1/2...a turning point ??

Coop turned 3 1/2 the end of February and it's almost like he has transitioned into a new kid in the past 6 weeks.  And all in the best way!  He has always had an overall sweet demeanor and is the best big bro but we have had our 18 months-3 year old battles.  Remember, when we had the sticker chart (can't find the post on it) for him washing his hands, getting dressed alone, getting in car seat, picking up toys, etc (all without throwing a tantrum and finishing in under 2 hours ;)).  Oh yeah, don't let me forget I spent most nights holding him down to brush his teeth.  
No one told me about this incredible change at 3 1/2!!!  It was almost as if overnight he grew up but not  one of those, "I wish he would stop growing up" ways.  In a "thank God, this is what I have been waiting for" ways.  What has changed you ask??  Well...
-He dresses himself almost everyday, including undressing as well.  And does it under 30!  He is also picking out his clothes and I just adore seeing how he picks out his clothes.  In the last week he has even changed before coming downstairs for the day...what!
-Climbs into his carseat AND buckles himself in!  
-He lets me brush his teeth with no fighting and even brushes himself sometimes.  He recently told me, "Mom, remember when I wasn't 3 1/2 and I would cry and scream when you tried to brush my teeth?"  Yeah Coop, I kind of remember buddy ;).
-We pick up toys together every night...not quite there picking up totally on his own yet.
- He will wash his hands when I ask...still a bit reluctant on this one. 

I know this sounds dramatic...but the last 6 weeks have been unreal!  We feel like we are really starting to enjoy him as his own conversations, playing games, watching his interests develop.

 Oh my gosh, the kid just melts my heart.
 Don't get me wrong...there is some serious sibling rivalry developing here...I am breaking up fights several times a day.  But, he is pretty darn good with her and is always patient when I have to tend to her and not play Super Heros 24/7.  told you she is always in someone else's shoes :)
*safety is parked and in garage and turned off.*  They both love to play in the car and listen to music after we get home from somewhere.  

Now...I must say he still tests my patience at some point and we still have things to work on but that is part of parenting, right??  Just when you turn one corner there is an obstacle on the other side.  

Without the valleys the peaks aren't as sweet.  

1 comment:

  1. I was just looking at a pic of him somewhere (FB? IG?) and thought, "He's SO grown up! Like a real boy!"
    He's a cutie, Ash ... you've done good, Momma!
