Monday, March 5, 2012

2 and 1/2 years!

Last month, Coop turned 2 and 1/2 years old!  Here's the scoop on this 2 1/2 year old...
-sleeping great, still takes an afternoon nap around 1-will sleep 2-3 hours, usually depending on how active we were that morning.  goes to bed 8:30ish, gets up between 7:45-8:30, depending on how late he went to bed.  sleeps with his blankie and thumb :)
-eats good.  loves cereal and pancakes for breakfast, even though I offer eggs, toast, and others.  foods he doesn't turn down: broccoli, avocados, PB&J, french fries, baked potato, apples.  of course, he loves any type of sweets and chips when we allow it.
-loves music-right now it's Justin Bieber, Hakuna Matata and the Rascal Flatt's theme song for Cars.  He knows an incredible amount of the lyrics and dances like his dad :)
-will do anything to watch 'toons, since i don't let him very often and every single time it's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse-thankful for On Demand
-favorite toys-books, trucks, playing ball
-favorite books-whatever truck/tractor books we have on loan from the library
-is loving his bike and asks to ride it almost everyday after nap, he can ride it around the block, with little help from us.
-challenges us everyday with everything that comes with a 2 1/2 year old...lots of no's, his way or else, whiny, etc.  but, in between those moments he is a sweet boy with piercing blue eyes that is great about playing all by himself, helps me in getting things Laney needs and throwing away diapers, and gives the best hugs!
As exhausting as 2 1/2 years is, it is even more fun!

1 comment:

  1. cute blog.... so glad you came and got some photos with us all at After Dark.
