Saturday, February 25, 2012

Another Doctor Visit :( and a couple other items :)

Yep, make that twice this week we have been to the Dr.  I took both kids on Monday (mainly for Coop) to the Urgent Care in Overland Park.  He had a nasty cough and green, snotty nose-normally wouldn't have taken him but we were getting on a plane the next day and I didn't want either kid to have an ear infection or something painful to fly with...they both checked out fine, just viral stuff.  By Wednesday evening, I was thinking they were on the mend.  But Laney likes to keep me on my toes, she woke up  Thursday with a real snotty nose, wheezy breathing, and a deep seal cough-had a feeling it was the    croup :(.  Her pediatrician confirmed that and put her on an oral steroid to reduce the inflammation in her vocal chords.  On Friday the poor girl sounded like a heavy smoker, she was hoarse and raspy, so sad.  For the most part she has been a happy girl, playing, eating and sleeping normally.  
We have seen the doctor more times in the last 2 months than I think we have in my 2 1/2 years as a mom!  Our record since January is one sinus infection, an ear infection, double ear infection, croup and viral "stuff."  That all equals- 2 rounds of amoxicillin, 1 round of omnicef, 1 round of oral steroids, with Tylenol and Delsym mixed in here and there.  I hate putting all this stuff in my kids' tiny bodies and am so ready for Spring to arrive and get rid of medicine droppers, tissues, doctor visits, and snotty noses!

 up close view of that snotty nose and those blue eyes!
This elephant is right outside the pediatrician's office and every time we visit, Coop insists on sitting on it. Then he tells me to take a picture...this coming from the kid that doesn't like his pic being taken!!  Something about that elephant!  Please notice the t-shirt and shorts, it was 83 degrees....woo-hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!  It was the first time to break out the shorts this year, so exciting!  Of course, I was in pants and long sleeve shirt-I need it to be about 90 before I break out shorts!

PS-We have white carpet in our house.  white carpet+kids+dog=a big mess.  So, with the spring cleaning came carpet cleaning and they look fabulous!  12 hours later, our lovely Lola gets up at 3 am and pukes on them in 2 different places...awesome. 

PPS (or is it PSS)-I am still on a game high from earlier this evening...wowza, please tell me you all saw that game?  Incredible!!!!!!!  I am afraid my children may have gained a new vocabulary from their mother-I had no filter.  You see-I married a man from Missouri and I am from Kansas and we already lost to them this year (in the last 2 minutes, but whatever, a loss is a loss), and they are leaving the Big 12 for SEC, and we were in Allen Fieldhouse where we are 90-1-haven't lost to them at home since I was in high school!, and in my books, it is one of the biggest rivalries in college sports.  Down by 19 in the 2nd half and T-Rob and company get a victory!  All of this may or may not have led me to jumping across furniture, turning my shirt inside out for rally time in overtime, letting my 2 1/2 year old rule the roost during the will never know :).  Okay-swore I was not going to emotional blog about the game, but I just can't help it-ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK!  And, we are Big 12 conference champs for the 8th straight year!  
Just one last thing...

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