Saturday, December 28, 2013

Piper's 1st Full Day of Life

That first night in the hospital is always kind of a blur to me.  I am so over the moon with this new baby that I don't want to close my eyes and end the day but so incredibly exhausted that I can barely keep my eyes open.  And then the nurses are checking on you and the baby what seems like every 30 minutes and then just like that the sun is rising for a brand new day.  In fact, Adam and I started discussing potential middle names at Piper's 4 am feeding ;).  

 Those cheeks!
So crazy to think that I was carrying this big baby around less than 24 hours before.
We always send pics to Audiologist Aunt Tanya when our babies get their hearing screening :).  And this is the only pic I have of Piper in her KU hat…girl's head was too big for it, it just kept popping off.
Snuggling with Dad 
 Aunt Alli had promised them a balloon and suckers, she delivered.
One sweet picture with the balloon, the rest of the hospital stay he treated it as a punching bag.
 Grandpa is going to have his hands full with his 4 granddaughters!  
 This kept him pretty happy.

 If you only knew what it took to get these 2 pictures of our 3 kids.  Exhausting and we didn't even get one with the 2 big kids looking and smiling!  I had dreams of that "perfect picture" with their Big Bro and Big Sis shirts on…oh well.

At about 8:00 that night, we decided it was time to nail down a middle name since we would be leaving the next morning.  After searching for the perfect B name so we could call her PB&J…just kidding, but that would have been pretty funny, right?!  We had a few different names but kept circling back to Marie. Marie is Adam's grandma's name (and Tanya and Emily's middle names :)). So, Piper Marie Jones it is, pretty perfect.  That night I was asleep before 9pm…took full advantage of those wonderful nursery nurses before we were home with Piper the next night :).

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