Monday, December 9, 2013

Baby Thoughts by Cooper and Laney

I am 39 weeks tomorrow and feeling (and looking) every bit of it :).

Here are a couple thoughts from the kids about this baby that I don't want to forget…

-At lunch last week, Cooper asked me what the baby was doing.  "So Mom, is the baby kicking you right now, is it sleeping, what's it doing?"  A couple minutes later, "Do you think it has blood on its head?"  He was very concerned about the blood in Henley's hair right after she was born.

-Just the other day I said to him, are you going to miss this big belly of mine to snuggle up to?  He looked at me like I was crazy and said, "no way, I am just so excited to meet this baby!  I don't care about your big belly."

-In the car he randomly says, "So is Dad going to sleep on the couch in the hospital with you?" and started laughing.  I said, "Yes, why and how do you know that??"  He said, "Because that's where Rusty slept when Alli had her baby."  Obviously Henley's birth was quite the learning experience for him!

-He is convinced we are naming the baby Wyatt if it's a boy…we are not.  Apparently that's a name on one of the cartoons he likes, maybe Octonauts??

-Obviously Laney doesn't have a 4 year old vocabulary so I don't have as many conversations to share but this is all I need...

She just started this last week and it's always the same response when you ask her if it's a boy or girl.

1 comment:

  1. Love this !!!! Can't wait to find out myself! I sure hope she is right on 2 of those 3 guesses!
