Monday, December 9, 2013

Last 80 degree day of 2013

This post seems surreal considering we have been iced in since last Thursday, yes you read that right…last Thursday!  Now you know why I am so on top of blogging the last 5 days ;).  More on our iced in days tomorrow.  For now, let's all bask in the glory that was last Wednesday!

Tuesday night I watched the weather and it was showing the 80's for Wednesday and then predicting a big ice storm for Thursday night with temps not rebounding like they usually do here in the south.  Combine that and my 38 week visit to doc making me realize I have limited free days left (no nursing, postpartum stuff, etc) with my older 2 and I knew we had to do something fun and outdoors.  The zoo it was and the kids were ecstatic when they woke up and I told them where we were going.
 We rarely catch a glimpse of the cheetahs so this was fun!  
 Laney wasn't sure what to think in the gorilla exhibit.

 You think pushing these 2 uphill around the zoo would get this baby moving…not so much.
 They LOVE to ride the train and I do too because it takes us back to the entrance meaning I don't have to walk back ;).  Notice Laney's awesome crocs that she demanded wearing that day ;).
 Could you not just eat her up!?
 I asked her to show me how excited she was to ride the train.  This is also the same reaction we get when we ask her how excited she is to meet our new baby!
 A real smile!  He is looking more and more grown up to me everyday.
 Waiting on the train, we sent this to Dad to tell him we missed him.
Happy kids, happy morning at the zoo.  We drove thru Chick-Fil-A on the way home and Cooper asked if we could have a picnic in the driveway.  Done.  The minute they woke up from naps we went back outside to soak up a bit more time before the cold front hit.

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