Sunday, July 1, 2012

Beach Pics

One evening before dinner we got all dressed up and headed out to the beach for some family pictures. We were so lucky to have a professional photographer in Kristin Cook with us-she was able to pick just the right spot with just the right light and then edit to make us look our best ;).  You will see (because of my hair-since I am the only one with any) it was really windy.

Here's some (a lot) of my favorites...

Well, that's it.  Farewell beach, we loved you.  Adam loved playing in the waves with Coop, I loved reading my book in the sand and watching my kids eyes in awe of the ocean, Cooper loved driving his trucks through the sand and Doodles loved the wind in her hair and watching all the action.  It was a perfect week, so thankful for it!


  1. It's a shame none of you are photogenic :)
    The third to last one is my favorite! Glad you had a blast. I'm sure lots of memories were made!

  2. Gorgeous family, gorgeous pics!
