Monday, July 16, 2012

Cousin Fun at the Lake

The cousin count is at 8 with one on the way-so put them all in the same house for 1 week and there is sure to be fun, fights, trouble, and most importantly memories made.  Here is a little of each...

These 3 were left alone unsupervised for 5 minutes max and this is what we found.  As much as they shouldn't have been doing it, how can you do anything but laugh?
Thankfully, they were washable markers.
post marker debacle~decorating 4th of July brownie cupcakes!
shucking corn in the laundry room??  they told me that uncle aaron said to do it before dinner...completely false story, but i 100% fell for it!  they were actually doing a great job and it was keeping them busy, so we just let them be :).
Awww, sweet cousins holding hands.
Doodles wanted to be all over Brynn!
Family Dinner!  And no, that isn't Kellen's beer :).
This picture is only possible because Maggie was holding Doodles off from attacking Brynn ;)...either way, it's pretty cute.
I had grand plans on getting all the kids bathed, dressed (in something other than swimsuits and pjs), and on the dock at sunset for some fun grandkid pics.  Well, that was a next to impossible task.  Just getting this one was a chore-someone was always sleeping, eating, cranky, out on the boat, you get the idea.  The way I look at it, this is them in their most natural state and the little boys smiles are priceless.  

Can't wait for the next time we are all together.  A gigantic thanks to Uncle Aaron and Aunt Cami for being the most gracious hosts for a week-we were a crazy group to shack up with!

1 comment:

  1. 4 & 4...only about 9 more weeks until the even count is broken! The girls aka the right side of that picture look a little more dainty & cooperative at this point :)
