Tuesday, April 3, 2012

7 Months!

7 months already?!  As much as I miss that sweet newborn stage, this baby girl is getting more fun by the day!  Here's what Laney Faith is up to at 7 months
-17lbs, 11oz
-sleeping great!  goes to bed by 8, up between 7:30-8.  takes a morning (if we are actually home) and afternoon nap, usually 1-2 hours each.  we read a couple books, give her a blankie and she puts herself to sleep, always sleeps on her belly.
-eating oatmeal and bananas for breakfast and vegetables for dinner.  taking 5 bottles throughout the day.
-rolling all over the place and quickly!
-still one tooth, but I swear with the way she is drooling and chewing that 2nd one has to be anyday!
-lots of babbling, but no ma-ma or da-da yet.
-pretty sure she loves her big brother more than anyone. she watches his every move and is certain to rock his world in the very near future ;)

always sucking on that bottom lip!
For you keen observers...yes, that is a cloth diaper, but that is a whole other post!
And, she's off!