Monday, June 27, 2011

Mini Stay-cation

if that's what you call a less than 24 hour stay away from home.  Dad was at The Four Seasons Resort in Las Colinas (just 30 minutes from us) for work, so we joined him one afternoon/night.  Wow, what a place...wish I could have stayed all week and sent the boys home :).

Coop was so excited when we got to our room, he (and Lola) had to check out every corner.  The best part...he kept repeating, 'nice, nice dad.'  We went swimming, ate good food for dinner, toured the resort, played in the room and stayed up way too late!!!

Adam had ordered bread pudding for dessert, but left the side fruit and chocolates on the tray.  We were sitting out on the balcony and Coop kept sneaking in and stealing pieces off the tray.
He probably spent 20 minutes opening and closing the doors to outside.

Not sure who loved the balcony more, Coop or Lola?

We had to get up early and out the door for a doctor's appt, so I ordered Coop some pancakes from room service.  Man, you should have seen his face when he realized they were in the shape of Mickey Mouse!

Lots of fun, but I hope my next stay at the Four Seasons is minus kids and a dog :).

1 comment:

  1. not cute buns anymore buddy that is a nice littlepussy, let me pull your diaper down, lube that hole and see how much u can take
